Sustainability, Education & Awareness
As a major player in the catering business, Smorgasbord understands the significant role it plays in the food chain both as procurers and providers of food. We recognize our responsibility to provide healthy and sustainable food to our customers. At Smorgasbord, we aim to achieve these main goals:

Energy and Carbon
Minimise energy and water consumption through efficient administration, equipment selection, usage and disposal, food storage, preparation and cooking.

Waste Reduction
Collection of waste oil at the outlets are currently done by appointed vendors to convert into Biodisel. Unavoidable food waste can also be converted into usable compost via food waste digestor. By converting activities onto online portals (e.g. Biometric Time Attendance Software System, E-Payslip, E-Training, E-Appraisal, E-Procurement etc.), all efforts contribute to paper savings.

Adopting green practices on using eco-friendly materials (e.g. Bio-degradable Cornware etc.), which contributes significantly to the environment. Eco friendly products in packaging and sustainable sources for key ingredients are our top priority in our sourcing considerations.

Minimising usage of
Single Use Plastics
Joint collaboration efforts with our partners to target the reduction of plastics at the cafeteria and patrons are encouraged to dine-in whereever possible. The use of reusable materials (eg. Melamine platewares) are also strongly encouraged.

Education and
Inculcate the responsibility of supporting sustainable causes via appropriate training cascaded to all staff.
Dine Sustainably
Joint collaboration efforts with our partners to target the reduction of single-use plastics at the cafeteria and patrons are encouraged to dine-in wherever possible. The use of reusable and biodegradable materials are also strongly encouraged.

Food Waste Management
Food waste digestor with the ability to convert collected food waste into recycled or greywater can be deployed at operating sites; this is done in the case of Select Central Kitchen.